Grassroots - Vol 23 No 2 | Page 26


Cabinet approves White Paper on Conservation and Sustainable use of South Africa ’ s Biodiversity

Peter Mbelengwa

Current Address : Department of Forestry , Fisheries and the Environment Reprinted from : https :// bit . ly / 43qUvhG

Cabinet has approved the White Paper on Conservation and Sustainable Use of South Africa ’ s Biodiversity emphasising the importance of the biodiversity sector to the country ’ s economic growth , conservation and equity in the biodiversity economy .

South Africa ’ s is one of the most biodiverse countries in the world and the policy will help the country take advantage of its rich biodiversity .
The white paper is a recommendation of the High-Level Panel that advised the Minister of Forestry , Fisheries and the Environment , Ms Barbara Creecy , on Matters Related to the Management , Hunting , Breeding , Trade and Handling of Elephant , Lion , Leopard and Rhinoceros . The panel had recommended the development of an overarching national policy on biodiversity , including wildlife , that would provide a clear vision and objectives on South Africa ’ s approach to conservation and sustainable use of the country ’ s biodiversity .
The draft white paper was published in July 2022 for public consultation , which was extended to September to allow for input by all stakeholders . Due to substantial changes to the draft white paper subsequent to the public consultation process , the revised document was republished for additional comment in October 2022 .
By adopting the white paper , Cabinet has mandated the Department of Forestry , Fisheries and the Environment ( DFFE ) to develop an implementation plan in consultation with stakeholders and report on implementation at regular intervals .
The white paper promotes the conservation of the rich , diverse biodiversity and ecological infrastructure , which supports ecosystem functioning for livelihoods and the well-being of people and nature . This can set the country on a strong path of sustainable development , considering the historical , socio-economic , and environmental context of South Africa , and the aspirations and needs of the people .
Key elements of the white paper include a vision to create an inclusive transformed society living in harmony with nature , where biodiversity conservation and sustainable use ensure healthy ecosystems , with improved benefits that are fairly and equitably shared for present and future generations .
Its mission is to conserve and manage South Africa ' s biodiversity , and ensure healthy ecosystems , ecological integrity and connectivity , with transformative socio-economic benefits to society for current and future generations through ecologically sustainable , and socially equitable use all values of its components .
The five guiding principles are transformation , sustainable development , good governance , evidence-based decision-making and duty of care .
There are four goals and two crosscutting enablers . Goal 1 is to enhance biodiversity conservation , while goal 2 addresses sustainable use and goal 3 equitable access and benefit sharing . Goal 4 deals with transformed biodiversity conservation and sustainable use , while the enablers focus on integrated , mainstreamed and effective biodiversity conservation and sustainable use ( enabler one ( 1 ), and enhanced means of implementation ( enabler two ( 2 ).
The white paper not only provides policy certainty and a strong policy base for biodiversity conservation and sustainable use and equitable growth in the biodiversity economy , but also advocates for coherent and effective biodiversity conservation for the benefit of current and future generations . It integrates environmental , social , and economic elements to advance sustainable development .
The white paper also seeks to reposition protected and other conservation areas as effective mechanisms to contribute to sustainable rural development , advance the process of transformation of the sector , with sustainable nature-based access and benefit flows for equitable and inclusive socio-economic growth and development . Additionally , it aims to enhance South Africa ’ s leadership in biodiversity conservation and sustainable use which is internationally recognised and promotes African unity and coherence .
Because nature conservation is a concurrent government function involving national , provincial and local government , as well as conservationlinked public entities , implementation of the white paper will be coordinated by the DFFE .
25 Grassroots Vol 23 No 2 July 2023