Grassroots - Vol 23 No 2 | Page 2

In this issue


Tree of the month


Enhancing resilient Agroecosystems


Pastoralists are an asset to the world


New discoveries


02 05 07 10 16 21 23

Encroachment of Euryops floribundus
From our Editor
The duality of ryegrass
Karoo Plant ot the month
Mesic Grasses probably get their Nitrogen fix from root diazotrophs
Butterfly behaviour shows ways to protect natural habitats
Nature and biodiversity under threat : Bold conservation funding ideas are needed
Launch of Biodiversity Biobanks South Africa

25 26 27 30 33 35 37

Cabinet approves White Paper on Conservation and Sustainable use of SA ’ s Biodiversity
South African scientist hopes to head world ’ s most important climate change body
Farm worker unfairly dismissed after Swedish magazine interview
We ’ re excited to share that iNaturalist is now an independent nonprofit
Pastoralism , uncertainty and development : a new open access book
Websites , Webinars & Podcasts Upciming events
01 Grassroots Vol 23 No 2 July 2023