Grassroots Vol 21 No 4 | Page 47

Go check out the following

Websites , Webinars & Podcasts

Utilising livestock in the rehabilitation of grazing in the wildlife industry
Gerry Weber , CEO of Green Bio ( www . greenbio . co . za ) speaks to Johan Bouwer , co-founder of the Herding Acadmey near Graaff Reinet in South Africa about the lost art of herding animals . The herding academy is a holistic learning centre where the ancient skill of herding animals is being applied within a holistic decision making framework to regenerate the landscape . The lost art of herding animals is once again being brought to life by trained professionals and herders , using livestock to mimic the herd migration effect of the once ancient wild herds roaming our ecosystems .
Watch it at : https :// youtu . be / 5JentqnQ0SE
Restoring Grasslands – Rewild Grasslands are amazing — they ’ re basically like upside down rainforests because of their ability to store TONS of carbon . They also serve as critical habitats to key species . In this video , part of our series of explainers honoring the kickoff of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration , we talk more about grasslands and our work with partners Snap and the National Park Service to restore native plants and grasses . Let ' s # rewild the world !
Watch it at : https :// youtu . be / ptM3zwSrPIA
What we miss when we focus on the average – Mona Chalabi , TED
It ' s tempting to focus on averages when we think about data , but the world is a lot messier than those numbers can make it out to be . So what could we gain if we shifted our attention to the outliers in the data , or as data journalist Mona Chalabi likes to call them , the lost birds ? Want to hear more from Mona ? Check out her podcast Am I Normal ? with Mona Chalabi , from the TED Audio Collective .
Watch it at : https :// www . ted . com / talks / mona _ chalabi _ what _ we _ miss _ when _ we _ focus _ on _ the _ average ? utm _ campaign = tedspread & utm _ medium = referral & utm _ source = tedcomshare
Grassroots Vol 21 No 4 December 2021 46