Grassroots Vol 21 No 3 | Page 2

In this issue


Wide open spaces : plans for a new National Park


Tree of the Year


Feature Article : Eco-efficiency of irrigated dairy pastures in South Africa
Restoring Overberg Renosterveld through Management Interventions


02 From our Editor 03 Pastures of the 05 month 07 15 17 23 26 28

Grass of the month
Tree of the month
Research to toilet train cows aims for positive environmental impact
Nestlé dairy farm on track to reaching netzero carbon emissions
Tree planting schemes can destroy rangelands and damage pastoral livelihoods
Bush encroachment : Making the best of a bad situation
On the verge of a breakthrough

32 33 35 36


SA just formally lodged much more ambitious climate-change plans
Drowning in the literature ? These smart software tools can help

39 Awards

43 47

GSSA Congress 56 GSSA Presidential Address
History : Rachel Carson
In Memoriam : Piet Roux
Fynbos photographed like you ’ ve never seen it before

49 51

New Book Release
Website , Webinars & Podcasts

53 Upcoming events

01 Grassroots Vol 21 No 3 November 2021