Grassroots Vol 21 No 1 | Page 14


likely to be extremely consequential for the biota of the Karoo , while the local jobs created are expected to be largely unskilled and short term . Unfortunately , little of the published literature on the Karoo is helpful when trying to predict the impact of such large-scale disturbances on the environment ; these developments present unique pressures which demand new studies .
The wide-open spaces and relatively unpolluted skies of the Karoo have also caught the attention of astronomers . The Southern African Large Telescope opened outside Sutherland in 2005 while the world ’ s largest radio telescope , the Square Kilometre Array ( SKA ), is being constructed near Carnarvon . The environmental impacts are likely to be broadly positive , with the establishment of a national park around the SKA adding considerably to the area under conservation protection in the Nama- Karoo . However , assessing the impact on local social and economic dynamics of the regulatory controls associated especially with radio astronomy
References is a more complex undertaking . 14 Final thoughts
There has been an increasing flow of research outputs for the Karoo since 1986 . While the interest has been primarily within the environmental sciences , a greater emphasis on the human sciences and interdisciplinary studies is becoming evident . However , much research underestimates the extent to which and significance of how land-use changes have reconstituted the Karoo ’ s social and ecological environments . In this context , knowledge about rangeland ecology and the impact of domestic livestock has relatively limited reach . The new research questions that are emerging also underscore the need for more inter- and cross-disciplinary collaboration .
Even though the Karoo appears peripheral to the major centres of power , it is an historically and ecologically important region that features increasingly prominently in national development
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This work draws in part on the research supported by the South African Research Chairs Initiative of the Department of Science and Innovation and National Research Foundation of South Africa ( grant no . 98765 ).
Any opinion , finding and conclusion or recommendation expressed in this material is that of the authors and the NRF does not accept any liability in this regard .
Competing interests
We declare that there are no competing interests .
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13 Grassroots Vol 21 No 1 March 2021