Grassroots Vol 20 No 2 | Page 37

NEWS ging from absent (0), present (1), moderate (2), to abundant icipal districts with swarms; b) 1910–1988, costs of insecticide rol measures. Source:ARC ds of brown locust swarms and hopper bands (n=469,900) in tation types and out of the Karoo (“Out”) indicate an anion of outbreaks. Source of map and codes for vegetation summer rainfall, a ntermittent rainfalls h outbreaks can exfrica and beyond. le to predict what reaks of brown lod where these will ears with and withlate with subconties. pelling for SAEON ntial indicator value s and because lol data loggers. art eggs” into egg previous weather events over months to years. They remember sequences of stimulatory and inhibitory events of soil moisture and temperature conditions until they match “Open Sesame”. Currently, I am sitting in my office at home in Covid-19 lockdown. The world is experiencing the enormous costs of controlling the outbreak of the Coronavirus and realising that prior research could have avoided this outbreak at a fraction of the costs and risks. The same goes for locusts. A paradigm shift is called for to manage potential problems without first letting them become actual problems, to brake outbreaks before they break us. 18