Grassroots Vol 18 No 3 | Page 3

FROM THE EDITOR W elcome to the third edition of Grassroots! This edition comes with a change. With Josef's term as editor having come to an end, I have been elected into this position now. The rest of the editorial committee remains the same. Hopefully my transition into editor position will be a smooth one. Thank you, Josef, for all you have done for Grassroots! 6 things to look forward to in this issue: After a successful GSSA congress held at the ARC Training Centre at Roodeplaat in July, we share some memories through photographs, a summary of the conference and the presidential address. Looking back at the 53 rd GSSA Congress In this edition we also have 2 feature articles; the first one looks at a way to be re- sourceful with some field equipment. Russell et al. have worked with developing a homemade radiation shield and discuss the complexities and uncertainties for measuring ambient temperature in the field. The second feature article presents the research of Mwendia et al. who has looked into the challenges and opportuni- ties for forage feed systems in East Africa. How eating seaweed can help cows to belch less methane As usual, we have a wide range of news articles ranging from the good news of the newly enacted Indalo Game Reserves Protected Environment, a 68 075 ha conser- vation area in the Eastern Cape and getting to know more about SAEON’s Lower Orange River Riparian Project to some more concerning news on bush encroach- ment and the impact of shothole borer on our trees. We have included an “upcoming events page”. Please, if you are organising or know of any event of interest, and would like the Grassroots community to hear about it, contact us with the details and we will include it in the next issue. Thank you to those who contributed to this issue – we would love to hear from more of you, please keep those articles coming. Facing a 6 th mass extinction event A tiny beetle and deadly fungus threatening South Africa’s trees Positive effect of community- based conservation on wildlife Biological control of invasive tree species in South Africa Happy reading! Janet Proud supporters of Congress 53 Grassroots Vol 18 No 3 September 2018 02