Grassroots Grassroots - Vol 20 No 1 | Page 3

From our editor to the first issue of Grass- W elcome roots for 2020! This first issue of the year begins well with two feature articles: In the first article, Hugh Pringle, from Australia, questions whether gully ero- sion is a major issue for key biodiver- sity values. Pringle, and his colleagues have done some work on this in Na- mibia and feel that it is an important question which then links up with one of our news articles by Heinz Meissner on further perspective and results on high density rotational grazing. Sec- ondly, Nelmarié Saayman presents her preliminary findings on the impact of rehabilitation of old potato circles on soil biology and seedbanks within the Western Cape Sandveld. Grassroots is released. You will not be sent any unnecessary spam. This is a free subscription and a great op- portunity to keep you up to date with Grassroots. So far, we have 488 active subscrib- ers. Thank you to those who have subscribed. The last issue of Grass- roots attracted readership from 185 subscribers in 28 different countries – thank you for your support! Until next time, Happy reading! Editorial Committee Editor Janet Taylor Sub-Editors Malissa Murphy Christiaan Harmse Janet In this issue, we present a variety of news articles on current issues relating to grassland management, both lo- cally and internationally. These range from climate change to alien invasive alien plants, fire and new pasture crops. We also congratulate the society’s current president, Debbie Jewitt, who is part of a team of drone profession- als to publish a book on contemporary drone issues – a valuable book for any drone enthusiast. We would like to alert all our readers to the first announcement of our next GSSA Congress. This will be held in Jeffrey’s Bay from 29 June – 2 July. Calls for presentation and posters have already been sent out as well. There is an early bird discount for those who pay before 19 May 2020, so, if you interested in attending, get registering! A reminder to please subscribe to Grassroots simply by clicking on this link: and entering your details. You will then be noti- fied, by email, when the next issue of Layout and Design J.C. Aucamp Administration Erica Joubert Contact us If you have any feedback, comments, or suggestions, feel free to contact us at: [email protected] @GrasslandSociety- ofSouthernAfrica Despite the care and attention that we devote to the structure of this newsletter and the information it contains, the Grassroots Editorial Team cannot guarantee the completeness and accuracy of the data. The opinion expressed in each article is the opinion of its author and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the editorial team. Grassroots Vol 20 No 1 March 2020 02