Grassroots Grassroots - Vol 20 No 1 | Page 13

Why are medics a regenerating wonder? Annual medics have hard seeds, which means it will remain dormant in the soil for a year or two. This allows for pasture regeneration after a cropping phase. No es- tablishment costs are therefore needed during the pas- ture phase. Different cultivars have different levels of hardseededness and it is recommended to plant a vari- ety of cultivars to ensure its survival, especially under erratic rainfall conditions. Other hard-seeded species include clovers ( Trifolium spp.). Annual medics’ seed pods during the dry season (summer) in the Western Cape (Photographer: Piet Lombard) Did you know? ? Annual medics are legumes, which have the ability to fixate nitrogen. They must be carefully inoculated to ensure successful fixation. Nitrogen is one of the most important ele- ments of pasture nutrition. Protein levels and the digestibility of pas- tures are improved by legumes, re- sulting in improved livestock perfor- mance. Emergence of regenerating annual medics (Photographer: Piet Lombard) Annual medics form part of crop rotation systems cultivated on the Langgewens Research Farm outside of Malmesbury in the Swartland region of the Western Cape. (Photographer: Dr Johann Strauss) How to distinguish annual medics from clovers ( Trifolium spp.): • Medics have yellow flowers • Most clovers have white, pink or purple flowers • The central leaflet of medics has a longer stalk than the two lateral leaflets • The leaflets of clovers have stalks of equal length Other growing requirements: • Sandy to clayey soils • Neutral to alkaline soils (pH > 6.7) • > 350 mm of rainfall for optimal production Annual medics provide nutritious pasture to sheep in the Western Cape (Photographer: Piet Lombard) Re fer enc es: Le Ro ux, AA . 20 1 5. The e ffe ct of s oi l res idu e c ov er on Medi c a g o pas tu r e e s ta bl is h m en t a n d pr o du c ti on u n de r c o ns e r v ati o n ag ri cul t ur a l pr a ct i c es . Ma s te r ’s thes is . Ste llen bos c h Univ e rsi ty, So uth Af r ic a . Sw ane poe l PA. Tshum a F. 2 017 . S oil qual ity e ffec t s on rege ner a ti on o f a n nu a l M e d ic a go p a st ur e i n t he S w ar tl a nd o f S o u th Afr ica A frica n Jo u rna l of R ange & Fora ge Sc ienc e, 3 4:4 , 2 01-20 8. B arenbr ug Pr o du c t Gui de : http s:/ / / ww https: www. ba r enb r ug. co. za /fo rage /pro duc ts / medic s / medic s 12