Grassroots Grassroots - Vol 19 No 4 | Page 21

NEWS Crop leftovers can store huge amounts of carbon: insights from Uganda Reprinted From: Dries Roobroeck F armers in countries like Uganda could help fight climate change – and improve their crop yields – by adding agricultural waste to their fields. The process removes carbon from the atmosphere and stores it in the soil. It’s a strategy proposed under the Unit- ed Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and shown to have strong potential, especially in sub-Sa- haran Africa, in recent research done by myself and colleagues from Makerere University in Uganda and the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences in Austria. Soils can absorb carbon dioxide from the air through a process called carbon sequestration. This is when more carbon is added to the soil than it loses. Carbon dioxide is lost from soils to the atmos- phere when plant material, manure and other organic matter decomposes. Biochar – plant matter that’s been burned using only a little oxygen – is an excellent way to add carbon to soil. Many of the world’s soils already hold charred organic matter which originates from natural and human-made vegeta- tion fires. Biochar is good at storing car- bon in soils because its natural break- down happens very slowly, unlike raw residues or manure. This means it can remove carbon from the atmosphere over a long period of time. A number of carbon sequestration pro- jects using biochar are already taking place in North and South America, Asia and Europe. For instance by 2020, using biochar from the natural waste of home gardens and public parks, Sweden’s capital city will remove as much carbon dioxide as 3,500 cars emit in a year. In sub-Saharan Africa, biochar from farming residues – like husks, hulls, leaves, branches and straw – could be used for the same purpose. But few studies have assessed how much of this material is available for biochar and how much carbon it could store in soils. Grassroots Vol 19 No 4 Figure 1: A sample of biochar NCAT (Photo credit:CAES/Flickr) In our paper we shed more light on this. We looked at how much residue was left over from maize, sorghum, rice, millet and groundnut crops on eastern Ugan- dan farms. We found that, when converted into biochar, these “leftovers” have signifi- cant potential for storing carbon in soils. Adding biochar from crop residues to soil on one hectare (2.5 acres) of land could offset between 16% and 80% of the 4.6 tons of carbon dioxide emitted by one vehicle in the US each year. Biochar has the added benefit of im- proving soil fertility and crop produc- November 2019 tion in tropical climates. So this strategy – to use biochar to remove warming gases from the atmosphere – will ben- efit farmers. Making biochar When crops grow and are harvested, they leave behind large amounts of resi- due which has many valuable uses: it can be added to soil to make it more fertile, or used in animal feed, for construction, or to generate heat and power. Despite its uses, farmers in sub-Saha- ran Africa burn a lot of crop residues in fields because recycling the waste in- 20