Grassroots Grassroots - Vol 19 No 1 | Page 7

AJRFS SPECIAL ISSUE Karoo Special Issue - African Journal of Range and Forage Science Reprinted From: I t has been nearly 20 years since Dr W Richard J Dean and Dr Suzanne J Mil- ton published an edited volume con- cerning southern Africa’s drylands and over a decade since a research journal has dedicated one of its issues to the Karoo. The Karoo Special Issue (KSI), published in African Journal of Range and Forage Science, Volume 35, Issue 3 & 4 is thus a truly influential issue. The Karoo is an arid to semi-arid area across the western third of South Africa, comprising the Succulent Karoo and Na- ma-Karoo biomes. Its environment and people have experienced considerable changes, and now face new challenges as the Anthropocene unfolds. The Anthropocene relates to the current geological age during which human ac- tivity has been the dominant influence on climate and the environment. The special issue brings together new information in 20 papers, a mixture of re- views, research articles and commentar- ies, significantly adding to the previous syntheses of Karoo knowledge. While previous ecological research on land-use practices in the Karoo has em- phasised the impact of grazing by do- mestic livestock on vegetation, the KSI brings an historical depth to this use that has rarely been highlighted before, to- gether with an analysis of several new data sets that have hitherto not been explored extensively. The issue is also a multi-disciplinary is- sue. Dedicated to Dr Suzanne J Milton and Dr W Richard J Dean the KSI papers, many of which were written by their col- leagues, friends or former students, rep- resents a Festschrift that celebrates and honours their research as well as the in- spiration and leadership they have to a generation of scientists. The special issue can be accessed here: Grassroots Vol 19 No 1 Figure 1: The special issue of the African Journal of Range and Forage Science was published in November 2018. March 2019 06