Grassroots Grassroots - Vol 19 No 1 | Page 32

NEWS Botany, 120(2), 183–194. https:// d o i . o rg / 1 0 . 1 0 9 3 / a o b / m c x 0 7 9 2. Buckley, H. L., Case, B. S., Zimmer- man, J. K., Thompson, J., Myers, J. A., & Ellison, A. M. (2016). Using codispersion analysis to quantify and understand spatial patterns in species-environment relationships. New Phytologist, 211(2), 735–749. 3. De Souza, W. R., Martins, P. K., Freeman, J., Pellny, T. K., Michael- son, L. V., Sampaio, B. L., … Moli- nari, H. B. C. (2018). Suppression of a single BAHD gene in Setaria viridis causes large, stable de- creases in cell wall feruloylation and increases biomass digestibil- ity. New Phytologist, 218(1), 81–93. Figure 1: Forage grass flower, Brachiaria. Photo: Pat Heslop-Harrison genotyping ‘platform’ which will speed up the methods for choosing plants to act as parents for producing improved varieties. Genotyping platform technol- ogy is revolutionising plant breeding and our project will enable us to ap- ply genotyping and molecular assisted breeding technology to tropical forage grasses. As Dr Ruben Echeverria, Director Gen- eral of CIAT, has written, “Livestock provides much of the protein needed for the balanced nutrition of the world’s population and is an important part of the economy in rural areas. At the same time, it is usually associated with envi- ronmental problems such as deforesta- tion and high emissions of greenhouse gases. We believe that sustainable intensifi- cation of livestock production will re- duce the environmental impact while responding to the requirements of protein food of a growing population worldwide.” Professor Alison Goodall, Head of Department of Genetics and Genome Biology in the University of Leicester, UK, adds “The proposed re- search aligns strongly with the major themes of food security and research that supports the economic develop- ment of developing countries, gener- ating solutions to global challenges through world-class research and im- pact activities.” Breeding better crops is a long-term un- dertaking, and CIAT already has breed- ing pipelines for tropical forage grasses. Our project is designed to supplement and accelerate breeding by exploiting 31 wide biodiversity and the latest cost- efficient, genomic technologies, lead- ing via improvements in forage grasses, to increased food security, reduction of rural poverty, and efficient, sustainable use of land as pasture. Acknowledgements This research is funded by the UK Bio- technology and Biological Sciences Re- search Council through the RCUK-CIAT Newton-Caldas Fund Sustainable Tropi- cal Agricultural Systems Programme pump-priming award “Exploiting bio- diversity in Brachiaria/Panicum tropi- cal forage grasses using genetics to improve livelihoods and sustainability” BB/R022828/1. The project is a collaboration between co-PIs Dr Rowan Mitchell (Rothamsted Research), Dr Jill Thompson (Centre for Ecology & Hydrology CEH), Dr Jose de Vega (Earlham Institute) and Pat Heslop- Harrison (University of Leicester) with particular contributions to the research from Dr Paulina Tomazewska (Leicester) and Dr Till Pellny (Rothamsted). The partners from CIAT involved in the re- search are Dr Michael Peters, Dr Valhe- ria Castiblanco, Dr Jacobo Arango, Dr Stefan Burkart, Dr Lou Verchot, Dr Joe Tohme, and Dr Juan Andres Cardoso. Further reading 1. Alix, K., Gérard, P. R., Schwar- zacher, T., & Heslop-Harrison, J. S. (Pat). (2017). Polyploidy and interspecific hybridization: part- ners for adaptation, speciation and evolution in plants. Annals of 4. Hogan, J. A., Zimmerman, J. K., Uriarte, M., Turner, B. L., & Thomp- son, J. (2016). Land-use history augments environment-plant com- munity relationship strength in a Puerto Rican wet forest. Journal of Ecology, 104(5), 1466–1477. https:// 5. Hyde, L. S., Pellny, T. K., Freeman, J., Michaelson, L. V., Simister, R., McQueen-Mason, S. J., & Mitchell, R. A. C. (2018). Response of cell-wall composition and RNA-seq tran- scriptome to methyl-jasmonate in Brachypodium distachyon callus. Planta, 248(5), 1213–1229.https:// 6. Kosina, R., & Tomaszewska, P. (2015). Variability of breeding system, cary- opsis microstructure and germina- tion in annual and perennial spe- cies of the genus Brachypodium P. Beauv. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 63(6), 1003–1021. https:// 7. Santos, F. C., Guyot, R., do Valle, C. B., Chiari, L., Techio, V. H., Heslop- Harrison, P., & Vanzela, A. L. L. (2015). Chromosomal distribution and evolution of abundant retrotrans- posons in plants: gypsy elements in diploid and polyploid Brachiaria forage grasses. Chromosome Re- search, 23(3), 571–582. https://doi. org/10.1007/s10577-015-9492-6 8. Worthington, M., Heffelfinger, C., Bernal, D., Quintero, C., Zapata, Y. P., Perez, J. G., … Tohme, J. (2016). A Parthenogenesis Gene Candi- date and Evidence for Segmental Allopolyploidy in Apomictic Brachi- aria decumbens. Genetics, 203(3), 1117–1132. genetics.116.190314 Grassroots Vol 19 No 1 March 2019