Grassroots Grassroots - Vol 19 No 1 | Page 26

NEWS first time, the heifer survival rate to first calving is 80%. It is also important to know at which age heifers are lost from the herd as this affects the mortality cost of heifers. A higher age at culling increases the mortality cost of heifers, mostly due to feeding cost which in- creases daily. The mortality cost of lost heifers should be included as part of the rearing cost of the surviving heifers. Milk yield per cow The average milk yield of a dairy herd is a common point of discussion among dairy farmers. It is often regarded as an indication of the standard of a dairy herd, i.e. high milk yields being a “top” herd while low milk yields are regarded as a poor performing herd. However, the emphasis should rather be the amount of milk collected by the proces- sor rather than the farmer’s herd esti- mations. The reason for this is that not all milk produced is sold. Some milk is used in calf rearing and for household purposes. Milk is also discarded being contaminated when cows are treated for mastitis and other infections. Each treatment has a specific milk withdrawal period. This is required to prevent milk becoming contaminated by antibiot- ics. The amount of milk cows produce is also reduced by the level of subclini- cal mastitis as indicated by herd (or bulk tank) somatic cell counts. This also has a negative effect on the milk price be- cause of poor milk quality. Milk income – feed cost This indicator is based on the difference between the milk income and feed cost and is estimated as the gross margin per cow per day. This figure changes every time milk or feed prices change. Similarly, the breakeven point of pro- duction is also affected by feed and milk prices. This refers to the minimum milk yield per cow per day to cover the dairy herd’s production cost of milk. Milk yield must be higher when the feed price is high or when the milk price is low. The cost of feeding and management of the non-producing animals in the herd should also be included when estimat- ing the production cost of milk. An easy way to do this is compile a list of all the different groups of animals in the herd, i.e. lactating and dry cows, heifers at different ages and young calves, the diet (forages and concentrates) and the feed intake per animal per day that each group receives. Dairy farmers should, on a monthly basis, compile all the costs required to produce milk as well as the herd milk income. Using only the concentrate feeding cost can be misleading as this may be less than 30% of the total cost of production per litre of milk. 25 Days in milk The average number of DIM is based on the interval between the present date and the calving down dates for all cows currently in milk. This figure increases when a greater proportion of lactat- ing cows in the herd is in late lactation. Cows calving down regularly keeps the average number of DIM at a lower lev- el. The number of DIM usually increase because of reproductive problems in getting cows pregnant. This results in extending the number of days from calving to conception or days open. The lactation period then extends past the normal 300-day lactation period as cows are mostly milked until 50- 60 days before the expected calving date. Be- cause of the lactation curve, milk yield is lower at this lactation stage and with more cows in the herd, the average milk yield of the herd is reduced. Milk yield (and milk income) decreases when the interval days open (or calving interval) increases. Modelling lactation curves for different calving intervals of 12, 13, 14 and 15 months, average DIM were 155, 170, 186 and 201 days and average milk yields were 30.0, 28.9, 27.8 and 26.8 kg/day, respectively. Missing one heat cycle (21 days) amounts to a milk loss of approximately 0.8 kg milk per cow per day. the percentage of first lactation cows can be higher especially when sexed semen is being used. For a stable herd, i.e. not increasing in size, the percent- age of first lactation cows can be lower although it is greatly affected by culling rate. At high culling rates the propor- tion of cows in first lactation is higher when aiming to maintain the number of cows in the herd. Increasing the per- centage of first lactation cows in a herd would reduce the total (and average) milk yield of the herd because of the lower milk yield of first lactation cows. In closing There are several key performance indi- cators which can be estimated to moni- tor herd management. These indicators should be estimated on a monthly basis and the progress (change) should be presented as graphs. This would en- able estimating trendlines over time to show progress or deterioration. These trendlines could be used as a basis for changing the standard of management and/or breeding programmes which may include sire selection and cow cull- ing programmes. Lactation number The average lactation number of all the cows in the herd provides an indication of the age of a dairy herd. Heifers calve down for the first time at about two years of age after which cows should calve down every year. This means that a cow in fourth lactation is at least six years old. Actual age at the end of fourth lactation can be higher when age at first calving is later than 24 months of age and calving interval is longer than 12 months. The efficiency of produc- tion is reduced for cows at higher actual ages while at the same lactation num- ber because of more unproductive days over the cows’ lifetime. The reason why the age (average lactation number) of a dairy herd is important is because the lactation milk yield of cows increases from first to fifth lactation after which it decreases although not declining to the same production level as during first lactation. The efficiency of a dairy herd increases when there are a greater pro- portion of older cows in the herd. First lactation cows The percentage of first lactation cows in a dairy herd provides an indication of the replacement rate in a dairy herd as well as the culling rate in a dairy herd. For an expanding herd, i.e. increasing in size (the number of cows in the herd), Grassroots Vol 19 No 1 March 2019