Grassroots Grassroots - Vol 19 No 1 | Page 13

NEWS land controlled by settlers. Although in- digenous people make up less than five percent of the global population, they own or manage about 25 percent of the Earth’s land—much of it far more diverse and sustainably managed than the re- maining three quarters. And despite the challenges of poverty and insecure land rights, indigenous people and local communities spend around four billion dollars a year on conservation—a signifi- cant chunk of the total global spend of about 21 billion. But Tauli-Corpuz, who is indigenous her- self, says ideologies change slowly, and for many the full-time presence of peo- ple making a living seems incompatible with conservation. “I think they are still trapped in the idea that people should not be intervening in nature,” she says. “I came from a meeting in Nairobi a few days ago, and almost all the speakers were still speaking about this issue.” She has called for a grievance mecha- nism to be set up, so that indigenous people can formally complain to the United Nations if they are harmed by conservation projects, but this has not yet been done. Restitution of land and resources taken by earlier conservation projects has by and large not happened yet either, she adds. “Calling for an in- crease without dealing with the issues raised by indigenous people is going to be problematic,” she says. Those behind the 2030 call say that land managed and inhabited by indigenous people and other local communities will count toward the target. “Protecting bi- odiversity means protecting indigenous rights,” says O’Donnell. “That is going to be at the center of 30 percent for the planet, rather than in conflict with it.” Innovative new approaches Some areas are managed by local peo- ple for both conservation and sustaina- ble use. O’Donnell and Baillie both gave the example of the Northern Rangelands Trust, a consortium of conservancies in Kenya in which local pastoralists from 18 different ethnic groups manage their land for both livestock grazing and wild animal conservation, with the financial and logistical support of NGOs and gov- ernmental institutions. The project makes clear that not all of the “protected areas” in the 30 percent tar- get will look like the kind of parks and re- serves many Americans are familiar with. The International Union for the Conser- vation of Nature has created a typology of categories of protected areas, ranging from Type Ia, “Strict Nature Reserves,” with limited access for people, to Type IV, “Protected area with sustainable use of natural resources”—which more or less describes many places where indig- enous people live today. Grassroots Vol 19 No 1 This, coupled with the superior track record of indigenous people in protect- ing biodiversity, is why Erle Ellis, an en- vironmental scientist at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County says that as far as he is concerned, “enforcement of indigenous sovereignty should be auto- matically part of that 30 percent.” Beyond the many flavors of “protected area,” the call includes room for “Oth- er Effective Area Based Conservation Measures.” As the capitalization hints, this is not just a vague phrase, but an increasingly codified category of land management, first sketched out in the 2011 Aichi targets. One report defines it as “a geographically defined space, not recognized as a protected area, which is governed and managed over the long- term in ways that deliver the effective in- situ conservation of biodiversity, with as- sociated ecosystem services and cultural and spiritual values.” Potential examples include traditional hunting and gathering grounds; natural areas on military bases; areas set aside for scientific research; sacred sites and cemeteries; pastures of native grass- lands; or even diverse city parks. Avoiding “paper parks” According to the groups’ vision state- ment, the 30 percent that is protected won’t just be the part that is cheapest and easiest to protect but should be fully representative of the diversity of the planet’s ecosystems. Yet that may be dif- ficult to achieve by 2030, says Ellis. “The big question about getting to 30 percent in a little over ten years is wheth- er the speed is going to sacrifice qual- ity,” he says. “It would be a shame if peo- ple tried to get there fast by conserving the land that isn’t really under pressure.” Likewise, he says, conserving land with- out making sure there is long-term fund- ing to manage it and plans to ensure the stability and prosperity of surround- ing communities risks creating “paper parks” that are routinely plundered of re- sources by those who don’t have a stake in the area or are driven by necessity. “By trying to move too past it is possible that they will create a huge realm of failed conservation,” he warns. So the emerging vision is more complex than the “30 percent by 2030” slogan may suggest. By 2030, leading conser- vationists say, Earth should dedicate 30 percent of its land and sea to a robustly financed, locally supported, ecologically representative mix of areas managed for the benefit of nature. This story was produced in partnership with the National Geographic Society. March 2019 12