Grassroots Grassroots - Vol 18 No 4 | Page 18

NEWS Realizing the potential of Africa’s rangelands Jack Durrell Reprinted From: N AIROBI (Lansdcape News) — Rangelands cover some 43 per- cent of Africa’s land area – ap- proximately 5.1 million square miles. These vast shrub and grass lands are an important source of income for local pastoral communities and play a critical role in climate change mitigation as car- bon sinks. However, they are being degraded at a rapid rate and are host to rising con- flicts, which put pastoralists against ag- riculture, mining, and other extractive industries. The result: instability, increas- ing poverty and more degradation. The solution is an integrated landscape approach to rangeland management that brings together multiple stakehold- ers to balance competing needs and interests and implement sustainable management strategies. Implementing integrated approaches But, awareness of integrated landscape approaches in Africa remains limited. How to reverse this was the subject of a side-event held at the Global Land- scapes Forum (GLF) Nairobi 2018 – an initiative to connect, learn about, and share successful restoration stories in Africa in an effort to foster political and community commitments to land reha- bilitation. The event – “Bringing Rangelands into the Sustainable Landscapes Agenda” – shared successes from Africa and be- yond to provide a framework and les- sons learned that could inspire similar initiatives across the continent. placed local communities and pastoral- ists at the very center of decision-mak- ing and program design. “Participatory approaches enable pastoralists to be- come custodians of rangelands,” ar- gued Stewart Maginnis of Nature-based Solutions at the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). “They recognize their rights, empower their agency, and strengthen their voice.” Initiatives in Mongolia and Iran, for in- stance, involved pastoral communities in the definition of challenges, range- land boundaries, and solutions. They also established local and national pas- toralist institutions to support effective dialogues with government agencies and other stakeholders. In Kenya and Tanzania, pastoralists contributed to the development of zonal grazing systems, and in the latter, pastoralists also led the development of village-based land use plans. Addressing knowledge gaps As African countries seek to learn from these initiatives, however, and shift from sectoral to multi-sectoral and integrat- ed approaches, they will encounter a significant obstacle: the lack of reliable evidence to scale-up successes. While there have been some recent ef- forts to raise the importance of range- lands and their restoration – most no- tably by Kenya and Uganda who have pushed for an International Year of Rangelands at the U.N. level – the chal- lenges facing these marginal areas con- tinue to be neglected in policy and re- search forums. This was largely attributed to the fact that rangelands are home to mostly poor and marginalized populations, but it means that degradation will continue, and the economic and climate change mitigation potential of these vast lands will remain unrealized. There continues to be insufficient in- formation on the technical support and strategies needed to reverse degrada- tion in rangeland areas. “What we have at the minute, generally around land use and particularly around rangeland management, is piecemeal informa- tion,” Maginnis complained. “And with piecemeal information we can only have disjointed solutions.” However, there are encouraging moves to address this knowledge gap. Abdelkader Bensader, programme management of- ficer at UN Environment, spoke about an assessment near finalization, for in- stance, which will provide a more thor- ough and detailed knowledge base on rangelands. “We are trying to focus on what has already been done and what needs to be done to address knowl- edge gaps,” he said. Again, it is pastoralist communities themselves who can play a decisive role in the collection and dissemination of new knowledge: “One of the options for closing knowledge gaps is the appli- cation of bottom-up planning processes which can draw on local and indigenous knowledge and then feed this knowledge upwards,” concluded Maginnis. The examples offered informative in- sights into participatory approaches that Figure 1: Bringing Rangelands into the Sustainable Landscapes Agenda panel. Global Landscapes Forum in Nairobi. GLF photo 17 Grassroots Vol 18 No 4 December 2018