Grassroots Grassroots - Vol 18 No 4 | Page 2

IN THIS ISSUE FROM THE EDITOR 02 Janet Taylor LETTERS 03 Update on International Year on Rangelands and Pastoralism UPCOMING EVENTS 03 Time to diarise CONGRESS 53 04 Delegates came together for biodiversity and agriculture at the GSSA congress FEATURES 05 Integrating sheep into crop rotations can suppress weeds, save money, and protect the environment NEWS Editorial Committee 08 Electric vehicles for wilderness conservation and sustainable game viewing Editor Janet Taylor 10 How ecologists put Orapa vegetation on the map Sub-Editors Malissa Murphy Christiaan Harmse 11 Investigating long-term (>35 year) woody vegetation change around watering points in the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park 12 Biodiversity standard boosts NGOs Layout and Design J.C. Aucamp 13 Amazing satellite photos show how alien trees are being wiped out in Cape Town Administration Erica Joubert 14 Large mammals for a better climate Enquiries [email protected] 17 Realizing the potential of Africa’s rangelands 18 New project aims to give wildlife a brake 20 Lightning, biodiversity, global change and Smarties in the mountains – say what? 22 Fynbos app launched to manage your natural veld 23 Floating wetlands: creating habitat and cleaning water 01 Grassroots Vol 18 No 4 December 2018