Jazz it up with Jewelry
Everyone has their own unique style and personality that they want to express by the clothes they wear. I just have one question.. How is anyone going to make a fashion statement when your school requires uniforms? Well it’s simple all you have to do is think outside the box. Wear neon sneakers or a spiky belt or a chunky bracelet or anything that will make your look stand out and personality shine!
wear Brilliant Belts
Shoes are the cornerstone to any good outfit. The best way to change up your look from drab to fab is head to Designer Shoe Warehouse (DSW), Footlocker or even Payless. The key to getting shoes that express your personality and make your uniform look fashionable is don't copy someone else just because you think they are popular, try on different ones to see how you feel in them, and get them based on your own opinions and not someone elses. You will never get in trouble for wearing a flashy shoe. Make sure they are not open toed so you won't get sent to ISS.
When you're talking about accessories you can never go wrong with jewelry. Girls it could be a necklace or bracelets. Guys I Know you think its a girls thing but truly fashion isn't always so black and white. Subtle earrings or a simple chain could boost your reputation. I know it's unrealistic to think that every single person at Grasso comes to school in their uniform. But why would you want to when thier is so many ways to express yourself without getting in trouble.
step up your Shoe game
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