Graphic T Shirts
T-shirts have always been
believed as the mere essentials those basic requirements that form
the base of fashion - the building
block of fashion. If you want to
know how much fashion trend in Tshirts have changed in the last
couple of years, take your
measure tape.
Fashion, which had started in the 50's, became inspired with its
sociological and industrial advances. It was a noble time to be
young, and fashion became a rip along the position of age. In the
60's people started to wear the tie dye and screen-printed cotton Tshirts. Improvement in printing and dyeing stood out for more
variety and came in to fashion and it bloomed in the 60's.
Tight trend of the seventies in the 1970s the disco scene was
enormous, concert dancing was popular with dance parties and tight
pants with T-shirts were a trend. The whole '70s trend was formfitting - 'very tight', where the extra-large, loose-fitting, urbaninfluenced tees moved out and tight T-shirts with tight polyester,
usually with bell-bottomed men's pants escorted by standy shoes
were used to attract the young girls seeming for romance, were very