Graphic Design Portfolio May. 2014 | Page 7

get dat chicken âShane Hauska, David Hodges, Paul Keiser aDAVID HODGES bCOLUMBIA AREA CAREER CENTER eSHANE HAUSKA jFILM CLASS cTHE ARCTIC MONKEYS pPAUL KEISER Movie Poster Get Dat Chicken was a movie made up by students in a digital video class and I was given the task of creating a movie poster. For my movie poster I used photoshop. I actually spent most of my time creating the background from an ordinary picture of a forest; for which I used adjustment layers, brush tool, filters, burn tool, and probably other tools as well. Then I placed one of the actors on the poster using selection tools. I didn’t realize how long the background would take me but it was definitelty time consuming which resulted in me rushing through the rest. I wish I hadn’t spent as long on it but I was pleased with the outcome.