Are you getting all the grants and tax credits
you’re entitled to?
Elliot Schiller
Here’s what you need to know to get the most from government funding
Just recently, Innovation, Science and Economic Develop-
ment Canada announced that it will provide $950 million
to five innovation superclusters spaced evenly across the
country. The Ontario Supercluster, referred to as the
Advanced Manufacturing Supercluster, specifically high-
lights 3D printing innovation funding, an area of great
interest to print shops.
One serious oversight that small- to medium-sized businesses
make when they’re looking for funding is to rely solely on
bank loans, tax credits, or private investment dollars to fund
their growth and development. But these aren’t the only
options available to you – as noted in the example above,
the federal and provincial governments across the country
offer substantial funding in the form of grants. While some
grants require an eventual repayment of some amount, or a
payment in kind, many grants do not require any payback.
What are common misconceptions around funding?
Even companies that secure tax credits on a yearly basis
from programs like Scientific Research and Experimental
Development (SR&ED) don’t realize that there are many
other grants they could be eligible for that do not jeopardize
their current funding. Your best strategy is to apply for
multiple grants every year, or you could risk leaving money
on the table. Another common misconception, especially
among non-domestic manufacturing companies is that
grants are only for non-profit or R&D-based companies.
That’s simply not true.
In Canada, there are roughly 1,800 to 2,200 programs avail-
able to corporations. If your company already receives
SR&ED tax credits, surely you’re noticing that there’s a shift
happening. You seem to be getting less funding for the
same dollars spent on R&D. That’s because, over the past
five years, the SR&ED program budget has decreased by
almost 20%, varying by province and type of organization.
The good news is, not all of those budget savings are going
back into the governments’ pocketbook. The federal gov-
ernment is strategically redirecting the money into other
grant programs.
What prevents organizations from securing funding?
It often comes down to lack of planning, available time, and
know-how. Lack of planning is the key issue. Most companies
don’t include government funding in their financial and
business plans, and that’s a mistake. It’s important to set
aside time to find the right programs, develop a strategy, and
submit early enough to secure grants. If you don’t have a
plan in place, you could be walking away from money. Gov-
ernment funding seems so nebulous that many companies
don’t touch it and it can be difficult for non-specialists to
navigate. But if you don’t take advantage of the funding that’s
available, your competitors will.
How can businesses secure the funding they need?
Every program has different funding requirements, so you
need to understand the criteria and integrate that information
into your business planning. Build relationships with grant
program managers so you can gain access to the right infor-
mation. Subscribe to all government mailing lists on funding
and assign someone within your organization to review the
material. Don’t make the mistake of relying on funding from
years past; just because you received a grant last year
doesn’t mean that funding will continue, or continue at the
same level. Failure is a part of the process and you should
never stop applying for grants.
Do any industries have a distinct
advantage right now?
All industries are able to receive government funding, but
the current government in Ottawa has set green initiatives,
exporting and innovation as top priorities. Regionally, there
are programs for rural areas, and there are socioeconomic
programs that support female entrepreneurs, youth, indigen-
ous peoples and individuals with disabilities. While some
grants are industry specific, such as automotive, agri-food,
and health sciences, others are focused on activities like
R&D, hiring, training, large capital expenditures, export, and
infrastructure investments.
If you’re not applying for multiple grants each year, you’re
missing out on potential dollars for your business and giving
your competitors an unfair advantage.
Elliot Schiller is a Director at Toronto’s Teeger Schiller Inc., a firm
specializing in government funding and systems selection/
implementation. His clients receive over $5 million annually to support
ongoing business innovation. E-mail [email protected],
visit or phone 1-888-816-0222 Ext. 102