Graphic Arts Magazine April 2019 | Page 20

Cover Story experiences with you and your business, your customers become an additional fleet of ‘free’ outside sales reps, so to speak, who spread the word on your behalf. This helps more like-minded people come together to do great work, which in turn, creates a larger fleet of sales reps, growing your business every step of the way. FOURTH: It’s your turn to make a ‘ruckus’ “It’s easy, it’s fun and it’s guaranteed to work…..all of that is true except for the part about easy, fun and guaranteed.” Godin believes that innovation is defined by failing over and over again until you find something that works. Innovation requires strong leadership and he believes that there’s a funda- mental difference in the way companies should think about ‘management’ ver sus ‘leadership’. To ‘manage’ means to do what you did yesterday faster and cheaper. How can you offer the same printed products in five business days instead of seven? How can you reduce the costs associated with making business cards to compete with cheaper web-to-print providers? Furthermore, he argues that great innovation and ruckus-making always happens too soon. The example he provided was of Gutenberg’s commer- cialization of the printing process in the mid-15th Century. At this time in history, many Europeans were illiterate or at least unable to read anything complex. Additionally, very few books other than religious texts existed in the world. It’s estimated that 15% of people needed reading glasses (which hadn’t been invented yet) and there were no bookstores in which to sell books. Needless to say, if Gutenberg had waited to move forward because of these constraints, we would be no where close to our current existence as humans on the planet today. His commercialization of moveable type and printing technology gave way to mass literacy all over the world, the proliferation of new ideas (the ‘Intel- lectual Big Bang’), and communication technology that came after his work. Thank you, Mr. G, for leading us into the modern age. In Godin’s infinite wisdom, he reveals this advice about making a ruckus: “The thing is, there’s no easy way to do this. No simple way to quiet the noise in your head, no proven method to earn the respect and applause of your family and friends, no guaranteed approach that’s going to insulate you from heartache. This might not work. It might not be fun. But I hope you’ll do it anyway.” Finally, the most powerful part of his keynote presentation was the moment he requested the audience to: “Raise your right hand as high as you can.” We all dutifully played along (knowing there would be an impending twist). He quietly looked out at a room full of right hands raised as far as they could reach and made another request: “Now raise it higher.” And guess what happened? Every single hand in the room inched a little higher towards the ceiling! The lesson here? We all hold back. We all have more to give. There are always new ways to think about solving old problems – and it’s our job as leaders of the graphic arts industry to help our customers solve problems that they don’t even know they have. Leading means being remarkable in our offer- ings, using storytelling as a way to share our remarkabilit y, building meaningful relationships with our prospects, and ultimately making a ruckus on our way to the top. Thanks for the reminders Seth. It was indeed a pleasure – as always. Diana Varma is an Instructor at the School of Graphic Communications Management at Ryerson University and the Owner of ON-SITE First Aid & CPR Training Group, a health & safety company that provides training to the Graphic Arts Industry. To ‘lead’ means moving forward knowing that what you’re doing might not work. How can you refine your offerings to a better serve your most important customers? How can you speak more directly to the immediate needs and wants of your customers to make an impact? Leadership requires an affinity for feeling tension. Godin argues that there’ll always be tension involved because it might not work. 20 | April 2019 | GRAPHIC ARTS MAGAZINE C M Y CM MY CY CMY K