Our Partners
Hands of Hope is a full time street outreach to the unsheltered homeless in Tarrant and surrounding counties with a focus on those living in locations unsuitable for human habitation , whether that be in a vacant structure , a vehicle , or a tent in a remote wooded area . Services provided include searching for those who are often forgotten and hidden away . Once located , Hands of Hope work to develop a relationship of trust and provide their basic necessities . Hands of Hope also completes a coordinated housing assessment for entry into the system for housing assistance , taking that first step with them on site towards leaving the street . Additionally , identify the root-cause of their homelessness and connect them with the correct agency , organization , or program that is best suited to help them while sharing God ’ s love and never from a place of judgment . Hands of Hope feels that no matter the cause of their homelessness , there is always hope and that there are no hopeless situations .
Executive Director : John Ramsey | John @ HohTX . com 11301 N . Riverside Dr ., Ft . Worth , TX 76244 | 817-298-2779 hohtx . com