Grand Lake Association Grand Lake Association | Page 2
A Special Thank You To Our Fleet
Admiral Members
9630 US Highway 59 N | Grove, OK 74344
918-786-2289 | 1-866-LUV-GRAND
Since 1953 the Grand Lake Association has
worked to preserve and protect Grand Lake
while promoting the entire lake region as not
only a wonderful vacation destination but also
as an incredibly desirable place to raise a fam-
ily or retire.
Bringing individuals and businesses together to
work for the area’s common good, the GLA has
been consistent in its spirit of cooperation with
other organizations and diligent in pursuing its
members’ goals.
We do this with the support of our members —
individuals, families and businesses — and with
the cooperation of the Oklahoma
Tourism and Recreation
Division of Travel
and Tourism.
Family/Individual Members
Dr. Doug & Drenda Cox
Robert LaFortune
WE Lusk Jr.
Bill & Peggy Miller
Lifetime Members
Larry Adair
Howard Baker
Cecille Bales
Hazel Beaman Blain
Carolyn Bolton
Wayne Cleaver
Mariellen Collins
Harold Copeland
Bill Duffi eld
Rusty Fleming
Terry Frost
Carolyn Garber
Bill & Linda Goldner
Jack Gray
Gene Gregg
Joe Harwood
Dave Helms
Larry Herrelson
Larry Hestand
Brent Howard
Joe Hutchison
Charlotte Johnson
Bill Jones
Jess Leith
Rick Littlefi eld
Huber Logue
Chester Long
Bill Mickey
Ted Myers
Gov. George Nigh
Jan Norman
Oklahoma Tourism &
Recreation Dept.
Oklahoma Water
Resource Board
Harold Page
Darla Parham
Elaine Renning
Glenn Sharp
Glenn Smith
Vera Smith
Rep. Wiley Sparkman
Max Tilman Sr.
Jay Wagner
Helen White
Sam Williams
Visit us online @
2 | 918.786.2289