GramKosh Instagram Marketing Suites GramKosh Instagram Marketing Suites | Page 5

Which is why GramKosh auto-posts highly targeted and viral Hashtags of your niche in the 1st comment of story , post or video to bring you traffic of the highest order .
GramKosh App Software by Jai Sharma Features
-Post Instagram Stories Directly Via Desktop World ’ s first web app , which allows you to post Instagram Stories directly from your desktop . Instagram - the leading social network gives maximum exposure to Instagram stories by pushing it right on top of its feed . Instagram Stories Exposure is higher than Instagram Normal Post .
-Automate Instagram Stories-Schedule Stories & Posts for months to come instantly via Desktop GramKosh allows you to Schedule Unlimited Instagram Stories directly from your desktop . Schedule Instagram stories for months to come instantly and automate the Engagement to grow your Instagram account .
-Post to Your Instagram Account Directly from Your Desktop Post your images & videos to your Instagram account directly from Desktop . Emoji Integration makes this more powerful add-on feature to create desirable posts . Watch the Live Preview of the post before Posting to your Instagram account .
-Schedule Post Directly from Your Desktop Schedule your posts to your Instagram account at the time of your choice ( with no 3rd party apps , desktop software ’ s , or browser extensions needed - First ever to do this ) Watch the Live Preview of the post before Scheduling to your Instagram account . Reuse the same image to schedule multiple-times on autopilot for even more traffic !
-Instagram Synced ECom Store , Affiliate Sites , Blogs & Website Use Instagram like synced site / store / blog [ created in minutes ] to convert more of your traffic & grab more business leads . With a similar themed layout , the Visitor never feels like he / she left Instagram and every new story / post is synced to this Insta-Site every time you post it on Instagram . Posts on Instagram are not clickable and marketer had to post link as text till now in comments . Using GramKosh , You ’ ll make Insta-Sites in which each post will be synced to posts in Insta-Sites which will be clickable and look exactly the same as in Instagram so viewers are able to click easily .
-Auto Post & Schedule 30 Viral Hashtags as Your First Comment GramKosh Posts 30 most popular related Viral Hashtags to give your images 10 times the reach . Hashtags are most important to get your Posts discovered on Instagram . Use the first comment to post your Hashtags for maximum exposure .
-Advanced Image Editor Edit your Instagram Stories and Pictures to beautify them before posting to Instagram right inside GramKosh Dashboard using easy to use advanced Image Editor . You can Crop , add Text , Draw , Create Meme , add stickers and add various effects like – Focus , Whiten , Vignette , Blur , Blemish , Splash , Overlay and much more .