GraduateCatalog20-21 | Page 77

Gwynedd Mercy University AY2020-2021 Graduate Academic Catalog for a 30-credit MS in Education degree .
Secondary Education Certification Biology , English , Mathematics , Social Studies ( 21 credits )
Courses indicated with an * are considered core pedagogy courses and require a final grade
of B or better prior to student teaching .
EDU 502
The Learning and Teaching Process
EDU 503
Social & Political Foundations of Education
EDU 508 *
Secondary School Methods and Materials
EDU 565 *
Student Teaching and Professional Seminar
EDU 515 *
Methods for Educating English Learners
EDU 581 *
Foundations of Special Education in and Inclusionary Setting
EDU 591
Curriculum Development and Peer Coaching
MS Completion ( 9 credits ) EDU 510 EDU 582 EDU 603
Research Skills for the Reflective Practitioner Effective Communication for Educators Culminating Project
Total Credits for MS in Education with Secondary Certification ( 30 credits ) Content area courses are not offered within the graduate degree program .
Course of Study for Master of Science in Education : Intern Certification Program
Gwynedd Mercy University offers a Pennsylvania Department of Education Intern Certification for the following subjects : Biology ; English 7-12 ; Mathematics 7-12 ; Social Studies 7-12 .
The Pennsylvania Department of Education lists the following criteria necessary for admission into the Intern Program :
1 . A candidate must possess a minimum of a baccalaureate degree .
2 . A candidate must apply to and complete an approved Gwynedd Mercy University pre-admission screening and be accepted into the program . This includes a rigorous evaluation of curriculum and certification requirements at the same level as prebaccalaureate candidates .
3 . Content specific and specialty tests are required to matriculate into intern student teaching and certification .
4 . Certification can be obtained upon completion of the appropriate coursework , meeting all PA certification standards including student teaching .
5 . Intern certification is an option within the master teacher program . Intern certification qualifications : a . Is available to candidates that have completed and passed all Praxis tests for their specialty areas . b . The number of courses to complete for certification must be able to be completed within three years while teaching .