GraduateCatalog20-21 | Page 23

Gwynedd Mercy University
AY2020-2021 Graduate Academic Catalog
person an examination or portions of an examination ( not yet given ), without permission of the instructor .
Sanctions In congruence with the mission and core values of Gwynedd Mercy University , faculty should teach ethical behavior , confront and report academic dishonesty , and provide sanctions based on the severity and frequency of violations of the Academic Integrity Policy . The determination of academic dishonesty and the determination of the severity of the sanction is the responsibility and purview of each faculty member .
The Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs is identified as the repository for reports of violations of academic integrity . Because multiple violations can lead to different consequences , it is important that one office be charged with receiving the reports and determining the number of times a student has been cited with a violation . Each faculty member has a right to use his or her discretion in determining if an action is in fact a violation of the policy . However , if any sanction is taken , the violation and the sanction imposed must be reported via Maxient to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs .
Sanction Scale : 1 . Written warning ; 2 . Sanction other than those listed ( additional assignments , additional tests , etc .); 3 . Zero credit for the test or assignment ; 4 . Failure of Course ( receives an F ); 5 . Written warning from the Provost and VPAA 6 . Suspension from the University ( minimum 1 semester , maximum 2 semesters ); 7 . Dismissal from the University .
Sanctions 1-4 can be enacted at the discretion of the faculty member . A report of the warning or a notice that sanctions 1-4 have been imposed is sent to the Provost and / Vice President for Academic Affairs ’ Office via submission through Maxient . The report should also include a description of the violations and the date the faculty member became aware of the violation . The report must detail the conversation the faculty member had with the student . If a student cannot be reached , the faculty member should note the date of attempted outreach . The faculty member should file the completed report within 10 calendar days of discovering the violation .
Sanctions 5 , 6 , or 7 are imposed by the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs in consultation with the Dean when there are severe instances or repeated instances of violations of the Academic Integrity Policy . Even a first violation , if severe , could move to sanctions 5 , 6 , or 7 .
Students are to be notified that sanctions 5 , 6 , or 7 have been imposed within 14 calendar days of the violation being reported in Maxient and will meet with the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs .
Faculty will refer to the Academic Integrity Policy in their syllabi and will outline the sanctions they will impose for violations . This will remind students of their obligations and will protect faculty in case they need to enforce the policy .