GraduateCatalog20-21 | Page 109

Gwynedd Mercy University
AY2020-2021 Graduate Academic Catalog
and the budgeting process will be emphasized . Assessment of need , establishing priorities , providing justification , and the accounting for expenditures of the budget will be considered . Assessing facilities , making assignments , overseeing housekeeping and maintenance , and maintaining an environment conducive to teaching and learning will be a part of the knowledge and skills presented in this course .
EDU-578 Educational Leadership ( 3 ) Education leaders both formally and informally set direction for schools , programs , and services . The may hold such positions as classroom teachers , principals , supervisors , coordinators , and directors . Leaders advance a vision , a purpose , and an agenda . This course will focus on the critical elements and skills needed in effective educational leaders and change agents .
EDU-579 Current Issues in Education ( 3 ) This course will review topics that are currently critical educational issues within the general public and within professional educational circles . Educational reform in the state , US , and internationally will be compared and analyzed . Attention will be given to accountability systems , the federal role , teacher and principal evaluation systems , and special interest groups .
EDU-580 Multi & Diversity Issues in Education ( 3 ) Designed for educators who recognize the significance that issues of multiculturalism and diversity play in impacting the educational experience of an increasingly diverse population . In this course , students will examine how issues of class , culture , ethnicity , language , gender , etc . are represented in educational settings .
EDU-581 Found Special Educ Inclusive Classroom ( 3 ) This course will require students to demonstrate knowledge of and competence in applying the fundamental concepts of teaching students ages 3-21 with cognitive , behavioral and / or physical health disabilities . This will include philosophical , historical and legal foundations of education for students with disabilities , current identification criteria , legal and educational definitions , etiology , incidence and prevalence figures as well as cognitive , behavioral and physical characteristics . Field experience is required .
EDU-582 Effective Communication for Educators ( 3 ) This course provides education professionals with the skills and techniques to effectively communicate with students , colleagues , administrators , parents , and the community . The study of communication requires an examination of a wide range of human skills , which includes : speaking , listening , writing , reading , verbal and nonverbal behavior , and the effective use of communication tools available through the media and the internet .
EDU-583 Action Research Seminar ( 3 ) Students engage the processes of action research , ie : reflection , inquiry and action in their own professional context . Through this seminar the student performs research of the literature , plan and develop an action research strategy review .
EDU-590 Stats , Rsrch , Assess for Reflect Prac ( 3 ) It is important that the educator be able to comprehend , analyze , and critique educational research . This course includes the study of : fundamental principles of educational research ; statistical concepts ; the utility of various research designs ; data collection techniques ; and report writing .