“Becoming a member of ACPA and attending my first Annual Convention in
2014 changed both my personal and professional life. I never imagined that
one professional organization could make such an impact on my life. ACPA
has allowed me to interact with amazing scholars, and I’ve been able to get
involved with the ACPA Ambassadors program; the Standing Committee for
LGBT Awareness; and the Standing Committee for Graduate Students and
New Professionals. I am so thankful and fortunate that ACPA entered my life,
and I could not imagine where I would be without the experiences I have had
thus far. Here is to the years to come working with ACPA!”
Wayne Glass
Graduate Assistant
Iowa State University
Involvement opportunities abound within ACPA!
Within ACPA, we have:
• 20 commissions, which represent the functional areas and
professional specializations of our members
• 6 standing committees, which represent and advocate for the
identities of our membership
• 23 state and international divisions
• 1 governing board
Within these entities, members have the opportunity to:
• join, vote, or run for an elected position
• select and network within their areas of interests
• volunteer and participate at regional and international events
• access publications and best practices for areas of specific
Additionally, we have a thoroughly engaged community on social
media. Flip over to see our directory and join the conversation.