Graduate Catalog 2022-2023 | Page 25

Gwynedd Mercy University AY2022-2023 Graduate Academic Catalog
Withdrawal from the University All students who wish to withdraw from the University must complete a University Withdrawal form ( there are separate forms for Term and Non-Term programs ) and submit to the Dean of their School for approval . Students must understand that a withdrawal is a permanent decision . Students who withdraw from the University will need to re-apply to the University should they wish to return after one calendar year . Once the course begins , students are financially responsible for all courses from which they withdraw . If applicable , the official date when a student withdraws from the university ( designated by the date the student notifies the university of the decision to withdraw ) is the basis to determine refunds or tuition adjustment .
Students who request a complete withdrawal from the University after the end of the withdrawal period must submit the University Withdrawal / Program Withdrawal form with appropriate documentation that supports their request to their School Dean . The final decision will be made by the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs in consultation with the School Dean .