Graduate Catalog 2022-2023 | Page 14

Gwynedd Mercy University
AY2022-2023 Graduate Academic Catalog
stealing , hiding or defacing books , journals or media ; misrepresentation of identity ; falsification of official University records or communications ; alteration or destruction of course material , including web based .
Collusion : involves the cooperation of students with faculty or staff personnel in securing any courserelated materials ; cooperative efforts by students and student assistants to gain or allow access to any course-related materials for distribution ; assisting in or contributing to the academic dishonesty of another individual ; and seeking , obtaining , possessing , or giving to another person an examination or portions of an examination ( not yet given ), without permission of the instructor .
Sanctions In congruence with the mission and core values of Gwynedd Mercy University , faculty should teach ethical behavior , confront , and report academic dishonesty , and provide sanctions based on the severity and frequency of violations of the Academic Integrity Policy . The determination of academic dishonesty and the determination of the severity of the sanction is the responsibility and purview of each faculty member .
The Office of Academic Affairs is identified as the repository for reports of violations of academic integrity . Because multiple violations can lead to different consequences , it is important that one office be charged with receiving the reports and determining the number of times a student has been cited with a violation . Each faculty member has a right to use his or her discretion in determining if an action is in fact a violation of the policy . However , if any sanction is taken , the violation and the sanction imposed must be reported via Maxient to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs .
Sanction Scale : 1 . Written warning ; 2 . Sanction other than those listed ( additional assignments , additional tests , etc .); 3 . Zero credit for the test or assignment ; 4 . Failure of Course ( receives an F ); 5 . Written warning from the Dean of Student Success 6 . Suspension from the University ( minimum 1 semester , maximum 2 semesters ); 7 . Dismissal from the University .
Sanctions 1-4 can be enacted at the discretion of the faculty member . A report of the warning or a notice that sanctions 1-4 have been imposed is sent to the Assistant Dean of the School that offers the course via submission through Maxient . The report should also include a description of the violations and the date the faculty member became aware of the violation . The report must detail the conversation the faculty member had with the student . If a student cannot be reached , the faculty member should note the date of attempted outreach . The faculty member should file the completed report within 10 calendar days of discovering the violation . Violation reports are sent to the Office of Academic Affairs , the Assistant Dean of the School that offers the course , the Dean of Students , the student , and the student ’ s Academic Advisor .
A student ’ s first offense is handled at the course level by the faculty member . However , in severe instances , sanctions 5 , 6 , or 7 may be imposed . If appropriate , the Dean of Student Success will send the written warning ( sanction 5 ) and copy the Dean of the student ’ s school and the student ’ s Academic Advisor . If warranted , the Dean of Student Success will recommend to the Provost that the student be suspended or dismissed from the University ( sanctions 6 and 7 ). Notification of suspension or dismissal