Gwynedd Mercy University ( v 8-11-21 )
AY2021-2022 Graduate Academic Catalog
University Student Learning Outcomes
Continuing at successively higher levels across their college studies , students prepare for twenty-firstcentury challenges by gaining or becoming : ULO1 . Knowledge of Human Cultures and the Physical and Natural World Through study in the sciences and mathematics , social sciences , humanities , histories , languages , and the arts . ( Focused by engagement with big questions , both contemporary and enduring .) ULO2 . Intellectual and Practical Skills , including : Inquiry and analysis ; Critical and creative thinking ; Written and oral communication ; Quantitative literacy ; Information literacy ; Teamwork and problem solving . ( Practiced extensively , across the curriculum , in the context of progressively more challenging problems , projects , and standards for performance .) ULO3 . Personal and Social Responsibility , including : Civic knowledge and engagement — local and global ; Intercultural knowledge and competence ; Ethical reasoning and action ; Foundations and skills for lifelong learning . ( Anchored through active involvement with diverse communities and real-world challenges .) ULO4 . Integrative and Applied Learning , including : Synthesis and advanced accomplishment across general and specialized studies . ( Demonstrated through the application of knowledge , skills , and responsibilities to new settings and complex problems .) ULO5 . Immersed in the Critical Concerns of the Sisters of Mercy of the Americas for : Women – advocating for the lives / rights of women ; Earth – encouraging sustainable practices ; Non-Racism – urging a dismantling of institutional racism ; Immigration – supporting persons who have been displaced ; Non-Violence – promoting peaceful discourse / discernment / decision-making .
NOTE : For a full description of all Program-Level Learning Outcomes , see Program Information Pages
NOTE : For University Complaint Procedures , see https :// www . gmercyu . edu / about-gmercyu / fastfacts / consumer-information # Complaint % 20Process
The purpose of the University ’ s Academic Complaint procedure is to ensure that students have the opportunity to raise concerns which have remained unresolved after previous attempts to do so , and that these concerns will be dealt with in a just and fair manner . An academic related action or decision is eligible to be addressed through the Academic Complaint procedure only if it involves a violation of federal , state or local law , or a misapplication or misinterpretation of University policy . The validity of University policies themselves may not be challenged through this process . Examples of academic complaints include the misapplication of the University attendance policy , inconsistent application of class syllabi policies , etc . In addition , this procedure may not be used to resolve complaints regarding : 1 . Claims based on purchases or contracts ; or 2 . Claims against a University employee on matters that are unrelated to the employee ’ s job or role at the University ; or 3 . Grade grievances .
The procedures set forth below may be used by individuals bringing complaints (“ complainants ”) who are enrolled as students at Gwynedd Mercy University . The complainant must be the alleged victim of unfair treatment ; a complaint cannot be filed on behalf of another person . The existence of this procedure does not prohibit complainants from also filing claims in other forums to the extent permitted by national , state or local law or applicable accrediting agencies .