Gracias, Lempira July 2015 | Page 9

Gracias is one of those places that never ceases to amaze. A quiet town with much to offer; the colonial architecture, Lenca culture and the breathtaking Celaque mountain range are reasons enough for a visit. And if you still have your doubts, go to Lorendiana to try their sweets and eventually you will surely return to what was once the first capital of Central America. Gracias is a city where you need to take your time to take it all in. The four churches are somber national monuments that reveal details of a colonial era. Their guancasco with the Mexicapa village is one of the few Lenca customs that has continued to live on despite the passage of centuries (December and January are the months of Guancasco) and worth protecting and preserving. On the other hand, a climb up the mountain of Celaque could mean an encounter with quetzals, spider monkeys or wild boars. And don’t forget it is also the highest peak in Honduras. For those with real physical stamina, the journey takes about eight to nine hours.

Reasons to go to Gracias, Lempira