Gracias, Lempira July 2015 | Page 23


3. La Tasca lenca

Thanks to the creativity of its engineer, Pedro Escalante, on July 2nd, 2010 a new and cozy restaurant debuted in Gracias, Lempira. La Tasca Lenca features a menu that includes 36 dishes that you may order according to your taste and preference.

When visiting the restaurant be sure to try their delicious Ginger Tilapia, which is the exclusive house specialty.

Any day is a great day to visit because at La Tasca Lenca you will be treated with excellence.

4.La Villa de Ada

The Villa Ada restaurant has the capacity to serve 200 people. It is located in Hotel del Campo y Turicentro. La Villa de Ada offers a variety of dishes including the house specialty, their succulent fried fish . It is harvested in lagoons located right on the property. Here you can also enjoy various options of refreshing natural beverages.

Open Monday through Sunday from 7:00 AM until 5:00 PM.

5. Guancascos restaurant

Since 1993 Miedema Fronica prepared herself into the adventure into of creating the Guancascos Hotel and Restaurant . Nowadays, this restaurant has become the home of foreigners visiting the city or going toward the cloud forest of Celaque . Good local and international food, rest and authentic atmosphere are a great complement for the more than 20 dishes and 15 types of drinks the restaurant offers. Among the specialties you can not leave without trying are the brownies, chicken rolls and sandwiches made ​​with homemade bread .