Grace Revealed! Today March 2014 | Page 4

Why born again?

During creation, the Creator expressed first His desire to create man. Unlike the other creations, man was to carry certain characteristics that exhibit the glory of God. In previous verses we see God speaking things into existence, He just spoke and things became. However, for man He first expressed the longing and want to make such.

Adam was created in the image, that is resemblance or similarity, and likeness to God. God's desire was to create someone who could share in His form, shape and likeness. Because when this creation shares the image and likeness of God it will have dominion over all other creation. As I was studying the above scriptures, God revealed to me that without the likeness and image of God, Adam wasn't going to be able to reign over all creation.

Gen 5:1-3 KJV

(1) This is the book of the generations of Adam. In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made he him;

(2) Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created.

(3) And Adam lived an hundred and thirty years, and begat a son in his own likeness, after his image; and called his name Seth:

Now, in verse 3 above we see Adam giving birth to a third child, Seth. Verse 1 and 3 gives us some interesting insight. Adam was created in the likeness of God and Seth was born into the likeness of Adam. From this we can deduce that Seth was born in this likeness of God. For example, if Edmond is similar to his father and Chesed, my son is similar to me, then Chesed is similar to my father. Was this the case between Seth and God?Something happened between verse 1 and 3, that can changed everything.

Imagine there was a drug you could take if you are Caucasian, that can make you Mandarin. The magic of the drug is your offspring will be Mandarin and your child's children. You were a spit of the old block, your dad and you were similar. You took the drug and had your child, who was just like you. Your dad is Caucasian and you are now Mandarin so your child will be Mandarin. So your dad and your child are not similar.

4 His Grace / March, 2014