Grace Point! May 2015 | Page 31

e. hts her thoug t your Pu and e pen, th Pick up the atever n wh te dow wri rt. our hea on y rd lays Lo When we write, we are putting down on paper the words we would say if we were speaking. And, paper is meant both literally and metaphorically. This ‘paper’ I am typing on is on the computer screen. So, whether you use real paper, or electronic paper, the key is to write! I have found that I write better when there are no distractions; no TV, people milling around, or other things like that. And, I know we all have lives that are busy and take up the bulk of our time. But, here are a few little things to do during your day that will help you keep track of your writing project. ● Put a notepad and pencil on your bedside table. I usually have some project idea or reference to what I’m working on come to me after I’ve gone to bed. ● Use your phone to record a note to yourself for later use, or to send yourself an email, v