Hello to all readers!
First, I want to thank you for clicking on the link that brought you
to this magazine.
New this issue:
The magazine is expanding!!! There are a lot of new features this month!! New
page titles to look for are: Sons & Maidens, In the Potting Shed, Women in
Scripture, The Philippi Prospect, The Prayer of…, and Patchwork Promises.
I want to draw your attention to the page titled Young Christian Mom. This is a
continuing story of a young woman who suffered abuse at the hands of her child’s
father, and her journey out of that environment. Her story begins in the January
issue, and will continue until she has told it the way the Lord leads her. It will tell
how she lived with domestic violence because of drug abuse, and how God has used
it to show Himself to her. She is also my daughter, and some of what she writes I
am hearing for the first time, or in greater detail than I previously knew. I
especially encourage all the young people to read her story as it unfolds month by
Also new this month, in the Spotlight On category, we have two international
contributors: author Retha Groenewald, from South Africa; and homeschool mom
and teacher, Melanie Baker-Nash,from Australia. Thank you, ladies, for a glimpse
into your lives!
The purpose of this magazine is for help, hope and encouragement toward our
fellow man. It is about promoting Godly endeavors and Godly results. It is not
about judgment, or whether our beliefs are the same or not. The adversary is about
division and subtraction; God is about multiplication and addition. We are our
brother’s keeper!
Our prayer is that there will be a blessing for each reader among these pages. God
bless each and every one! Shalom.
Rebecca Matthews
Founder, administrator, and ordained minister at Philippi Prospect Ministries
Editor in chief of Grace Point! eMagazine
Photographer and curator at StillWorks Imagery