Grace Point! March 2015 | Page 17

Melanie Baker-Nash Homeschool Mom & Blogger To home-school or not to home-school – that may be your question! Educating our children is a major part of our parenting lives – all loving parents want the best upbringing for their children. Depending upon where one lives, education options can be limited or numerous - for some the decision is daunting, given it is so important. I know I’ve heard comments like, “Six hours a day, 5 days a week, is a long time to leave your child with someone else!” A growing popular choice here in Australia is home-schooling, where parents educate their child/ren. Home-schooling is being conducted by people from different religious beliefs or people with none; some with a dedicated a room of their house; and even some who use no curriculum being open to the lessons each new day brings - the variety amongst families is huge. Even though traditionally education occurred in homes, to modern people today it can seem a bizarre choice when public or private education in ‘schools’ is available. There can be an unfounded idea of homeschooling families being ‘cultish’ or ‘weird’ and/or ‘bizarre’ happily spending so much time together. I’ve found people who’ve never home-schooled can assume a lot, without speaking to me – like I’m a Christian fanatic wanting to wrap my children up like mummies…keeping them blind, deaf and away from the world! They’re often surprised to learn I’m not anti-school and my children have done both traditional and home-schooling. Ultimately I want to be faithful to The Lord in raising my children (Proverbs 22:6) and I believe God has given me a choice in how I fulfil this. I believe what matters most is that mine and my children’s hearts are first and foremost for Him! Furthermore, although the sole responsibility for my children’s upbringing falls upon me, I am permitted to use the body of Christ as my community of support in this effort…I am NOT the only person who will positively impact my children as I do not have every gift or skill. I must acknowledge some argue the ONLY way for being faithful to Proverbs 22:6 is by Christian home-education; others feel private Christian schools are also acceptable; yet others believe public-education is quite fine. I will NOT tell you what choice to m