characterizations, philosophies, or ways of life, just
don’t fit anymore? It’s time to get rid of the outgrown, over-sized, thread-bare thinking that someone
else has given you, and be dressed in the spiritual
clothing that God has given us!
So, what clothing should we find hanging in our
spiritual closet? We find the answer to that in
Ephesians 6; it is a uniform to be worn at all times.
Paul likens it to a Roman soldier’s armor, because
theirs was the best defensive clothing in the physical
world at that time. We are going to look at the
modern wardrobe.
v. 14 - having the utility belt of truth buckled around your waist Not just any old belt, but a belt
that holds tools. Think of a carpenter’s belt, an electrician's belt, or any other occupation where tools
need to be within reach at all times.
v. 14 - put on
their internal
However, being
organs, like or
the breastplate of righteousness The Roman breastplate was a piece of metal that kept
organs from being injured. We don’t have to wear one of those to keep from being hurt.
quick to forgive, slow to anger, and refusing to let others offend us will keep necessary
heart, from being broken.
v. 15 - and fitted your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace You know, we women love shoes.
Most of us would have a closet just for them , in every style, color and heel height we could imagine.
So, whether you’re wearing 6-inch stilettos, running shoes, or your theme song is “These boots are made for
walking,” remember that they represent the spreading of the Gospel, and that you will always be willing
to go where God calls you.
v. 16 - above all, taking up the shield of faith Today’s shield is made from Kevlar, or similar material,
and is called a bullet-proof vest. For police and military, it is to keep the bullets from penetrating.
Our enemy uses fiery darts.
v. 17 - take the helmet of salvation I personally have never been a “hat person” but I know I have the
spiritual covering and protection of Yeshua Himself, whose very name means “salvation” and that He
guides me in all my though