Grace Point! July 2015 | Page 55

Sometimes, it is good to get back to the basics. Ivory © has been selling their soap using a version of that by-line for well over 100 years. Sometimes, it is good to put down the iPhone © / iPad © / Smartphone © or tablet, and pick up an old-fashioned pencil and piece of paper. There is nothing like the feeling of smoothness when opening a brand new pack of paper. And, nothing quite compares with a freshly sharpened pencil, poised above a blank sheet, ready to create the story we have in our heads. I don’t recommend using paper and pencil all the time. It simply is not practical in our ever-growing world of technology. But, I would recommend it when we need to slow down, and let our words flow in a gentle, cursive flow. Take some time to reconnect to the foundation of writing. Who knows where it might lead. 55