The Personal Column
Angela Carpenter
What Does God Look Like?
What does God look like to you? Is He a giant on a
golden throne? Is He brighter than the sun?
desire cars, mansions, and money; the flesh does. We
desire faith, hope and love, and these are of God.
We all see God every day. God is everywhere, and is
everything. He is the hope, trust, faith, patience,
compassion and joy that is in all of us everyday. God is
the purest form of love that all of these would be
nothing without .
As I write this article, I can see what He looks like
more and more, but one question comes to my
Can you see Him in everyone? Have you ever heard a
child sing, and was moved to tears or awe? What
about an angry coworker or neighbor ? Can you see
Him in them? Of course you can. He is in them and
you. And you can do all things through Christ.
John 11:25
Do I look worth God's only son? Do I look like the
prince of peace that passed the torch to me from the
cross? Do I look like the child facing her giants with
God’s aim? Do I look like the girl Esther, out of
love for her people? Do I look like the men willing
to go in the fiery furnace for God’s purpose? Do I
look like the person that could part the sea for the
freedom of my people?
Jesus said no one has to remain dead. He is the life;
He is the one that brings back to life. Because you
believe, you can plant a seed of faith in others. That
means no one is without God. God created the
heavens, and the earth, and all things. So God is in
everything. He is in the things unseen and unheard,
and the things seen and heard. He is the awe in the
stars. He is the beauty in a friendship. He is the
passion in a soldier fighting for freedom. He is the
compassion in forgiveness. He is the spirit in
missionaries free to spread the WORD. He is the
love of a mother for her child. He is the joy in helping
another. He is the peace that calms the soul. He is the
faith in our prayers. He is the strength in us to keep
going. He is the fire in us to speak truth. He is the
rain that waters the earth. He is the rock which we all
stand on. He is the movement in the wind. He is the
light in the sun. He is the nourishment in the food we
eat. He is the oxygen for our lungs. He is the beat in
our heart. He is the free in free will. God is
everywhere and everything. God is love for us .
Psalms 37:4 God said He will grant our every desire.
That is because He is our every desire. We do not
What do I look like to Him?
I humbly, with tears in my eyes and confidence in
my heart, say yes. WE all look like these to God.
God created us in His image, the same image He
created His son. That image is love. God knows the
power that love is, the power that He is, and what
He is capable of through us.
Do we? Jesus’ mission was to show us the power of
God ( love). He knew what God (LOVE) was
capable of, and planted that seed in other’s heart.
Was it Esther that help free the Jews? Was it David
that killed the giant? Was it Moses that parted the
No, it was LOVE. The pure power of God’s love
that is freedom. Jesus passed that torch to us to
finish planting the seeds of LOVE and bring life to
others. Jesus was capable of performing miracles for
others to know God, and so are you.
Love is a cure for all things. We can love others
because He first loved us. We can help others
because He first helped us.