Hello to all readers!
First, I want to thank you for clicking on the link that brought you
to this magazine.
New this issue:
The magazine is expanding!!! There are a lot of new features this month!! New page
titles to look for are: Commissioned, focusing on those that have been called to go out and
minister to the world; MissionWorks, featuring ministries that are actively on the
“front line” in the spreading of the Good news of Yeshua Ha Mashiach. Also,
GuideWorks, a simple lesson on how to live based on Scripture; FruitWorks, an
expansion on the fruits of the Holy Spirit, and how to apply them in our lives. And, In
the Visions of the Night, where I share the dreams, and their interpretations and
fulfillment, that God has given me over the years.
Note: Due to circumstances beyond his control, George Calleja’s “Monthly
Reflections” will not be featured in the magazine.
The purpose of this magazine is for help, hope and encouragement toward our fellow
man. It is about promoting Godly endeavors and Godly results. It is not about
judgment, or whether our beliefs are the same or not. The Adversary is about division
and subtraction; God is about multiplication and addition. We are our brother’s
Our prayer is that there will be a blessing for each reader among these pages. God bless
each and every one! Shalom.
Rebecca Matthews
Founder, administrator, and ordained minister at Philippi Prospect Ministries
Founder, senior editor, writer, publisher of Grace Point! eMagazine
Photographer and curator at StillWorks Imagery
(The opinions expressed in this magazine by contributors does not necessarily reflect the opinions or beliefs of James and Rebecca Matthews, founders of
Philippi Prospect Ministries, and Grace Point! eMagazine.)