Grace Point! July 2015 | Page 19

Pastor Kanyoli poses with leaders outside the church building at Nchalo in Chikwawa It is always my desire to work hand–in-hand with men and women of substance who can add value to my life, and the ministry at large. We are an indigenous, upcoming church run by indigenous Malawians with a very limited capacity. We’d appreciate if you would consider planning a mission trip to visit us in Malawi and have and on–the-spot appreciation of what the Lord is helping us to accomplish. We are asking you to pray and respond to the cry of the unreached millions of lost people in Malawi. Malawians are happy , warm hearted and hard working people. They are generally open to the Gospel, willing to receive Jesus and in dire need of discipleship. If they receive good input and “catch the fire,” they are dependable in God’s Service. It is time for the Lord to revive and cleanse His Precious Body in Malawi. I urge you to make plans to come and visit us. For the Church in Malawi to be strong and healthy, training and development of indigenous leaders is not optional but imperative. Great men and women of God need to come and INVEST in the lives of Malawi leaders. I sincerely trust that in the light of the above, you will consider planning and organizing a visit to Malawi. I would be very glad to work with you . In closing , I would like t o commend you and your entire family in God , and I pray that our Father God in Heaven will bless you with His abundance for all you are doing for the Body of Christ and His Local Church. Let the candle of love , hope and friendship light . May God richly bless you as this candle lights your path . Keep HOPE alive ! I pray the Lord’s bountiful blessing upon your every endeavour. May God bring you to a place of abundant peace, joy, patience and blessing. May He make you great in 2015 and beyond. May you live long and proclaim the Goodness of God! Pastor Kanyoli poses for a group picture with the church after services. 19