Grace Beyond GraceBeyondBrochure-Celebrate-Dec2017-web | Page 4

A LOOK BEHIND THE TAPESTRY Jon & Jodi Rudolph While I can hardly sew on a button to save my life, nor even hem a pair of pants — and my husband is certainly no more ca- pable — we had both been living our life as if we were profes- sional artisans, skilled in making things by the work of our hands. Although we had both grown up in a loving Christian family that taught us of God’s love and sacrifice, attended Christian university and were active in our church, we were toiling and threading on our own then asking God to bless the progress of our design. Our hands were working to craft our own story. This weaving of our “own way” was leading ulti- mately to death, but we were oblivi- ous. Jon and I, by living in our own knowledge, way and preferences, were telling God we could handle the intricate and delicate task of controlling the fabric weave of our lives. Looking back we see God’s hand purposely & artfully aligning the sequence of events to lead us to back to Him. As we worked for control, we had grown dull and gray. Our tapestry pattern held traces of complacency, comfort and self-reliance that in turn manipulated our work, family and even service in His kingdom. Our intentions were good as we de- sired to please God, only we wanted to please the “me” in us more than the Lord. GRACE UNAWARE Amazing grace was being woven in, over and through us the entire time as we continued to spin frantically — Jodi, in the lives of our four girls, and Jon at the helm of the company he helped grow from the ground up over 20 plus years. God began to cre- ate in us a discontent in our current church home and with gentle cords of kindness and ties of love, led us back to Calvary. CALVARY How thankful we are for this place, both the literal and the figurative. It was a gift to be back to the family of Calvary, it instilled in us a sense of coming home, of belonging. The Holy Spirit was stirring our hearts through many avenues — commu- nity worship, testimonies of other believers, and impactful sermons that seemed written directly to us as individuals. Friendships deepened as we fellowshipped in small groups, Sunday school settings, member- ship, bible studies, and service. We experienced the truth of A.W. Tozer’s statement, “O God, I have tasted your goodness and it has both satisfied me and made me thirsty for more.” All the while, God began to loosen and undo the web of knots and tightened threads that had been formed over the years. The cords of twisted fibers included: self righ- teousness, condemnation, comfort, indulgence and achievements. These, over time, were exposed and confessed. In this humbling process we discovered a hidden friend…we met GRACE. Grace had been there all along- not just tucked in to our back jean 4