GPDM_EMPOWERS Sept 2012 | Page 2



As I walk my journey it has been brought to my attention that many give the adversary more credit than he deserves. Many like to say that the devil did it like the devil can do anything more than what God allow him to do and many like to say that the devil caused it when at the end of the day all the devil can do is suggest that we disobey God just like he did to Eve.

Consider everyday that Christ in you is led into the wilderness by the unlimited power of the MOST HIGH and the adversary comes in toward the end of your stay testing to see if he will get the same answers he got so long ago.

Know the way you overcome the suggestion or rather lie of the adversary is to shut it down with the truth; which is the written instruction of God. It is amazing how many are surprised that they find themselves on the battlefield not understanding that when you accept Christ you accept the battlefield.

It is not that the adversary is so mighty rather that he is good at his job of moving to as well as fro up along with

down looking for who he may devour

down looking for who he may devour. Understand what he does is allowed this is why armor of the written instruction of Ephesians 6:11-18 is needed for without it we are vulnerable to the attacks of the adversary.

Please keep in mind that everything given down to the gifts of the spirit are available to assist you in having victory on the land as Jesus did in the wilderness and do not forget even though you may feel defeated on the land that the anointing that labors in you has never been defeated. As we walk this journey remember that even though the adversary is free to roam this land the written instruction of Psalms 105:15has to be obeyed unless the MOST HIGH allows the adversity to put us in a position to experience him in a greater way.

So know that when Jesus shed his blood on Calvary that before he ascended into the sacred place he first went into the pits of hell taking away from the adversary the keys of hell as well as death according to Revelation 1:18 and we were given the ability to rebuke the adversary in Jesus Name. For at the end of the day the MOST HIGH knows all that is going on, nothing happens outside his radar and his written instruction always prevails.

I ask the Father to enlighten the readers of his word. That it empower and spiritually fill each and every vessel. That each vessel will take this message to their pray closet and seek the guidance of the Spirit. Knowing that all discernment comes from the Lord. Amen

Words from the Founder

Apostle AC Spears-Phillips