GPDM_EMPOWERS Oct 2012 | Page 3

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Know there is different watches of prayer and having knowledge of the watches are vital to our prayer life. It makes our time of petitioning more effective because we understand the hour we are in along with how the adversary is attempting to use the adversity in our life to cause us to stumble as well as fall.

1st watch Dust-8:59pm Dominion

2nd watch 9pm-11:59pm Favor

3rd watch Midnight-2:59 Spiritual Warfare

4th watch 3am-5:59 Deliverance

5th watch Dawn-8:59 Declaration

6th watch 9am-11:59 Assistance

7th watch Noon-2:59 Protection

8th watch 3pm-5:59 Victory

So yesterday you prayed but today you shall begin to pray in the allotted moment given to you by the MOST HIGH for the very thing you ask him for; allowing you to tap into the unlimited power that moves mountains as well as part seas in Jesus name Amen.



God's Precious Designs Ministry

"Be The Vessel God Created You To Be"

Established in 2008 by AC Spears-Phillips

for the sole purpose of being obedient to the instruction of God.

For we are [God's] the Almighty[Precious] excessively refined[Designs] creations for[Ministry]acts of service

GPDM is recognized and incorporated with the Secretary of State

by the State of Oklahoma as a

Non- Profit Organization since April 2010

Statement of Faith

(What this ministry know to be true)

1. God is the creator of all things

2. Jesus Christ is the Son of God

3. The Holy Spirit is the power of God

Vision Statement

(Without a vision the people shall parish)

"To plant the seed of righteousness and watch God cultivate it. Encouraging others to reap the benefits of having a personal and intimate relationship with God. Persuading those that love God by my walk not only by my talk, using the sword as my reference and guide for those that seek him. Provoking a desire for knowledge and complete understanding."