GPDM_EMPOWERS June 2012 | Page 2



Take under consideration everything that you have gone thru in life from the time you was born til now has prepared you for the journey you will take with the Lord. Consider that every thing you like and dislike is a direct reflection to the Anointed One desires that reside within you. Consider that the adversary suggestions are just put in place so that when you entertain them after seeing the outcome the desires of the Anointed One are revealed to you thru the error of your ways.

Know that the Creator does not mimic the natural rather the natural simply reflects its creator. If we would pay more attention to the natural wonders and not so much on the artificial deceptions of our lives we could see how nature is truly an example of how our journey is suppose to be as well as how the Creator of all things did not just leave us a written instruction but a natural example as well.

It is wonderful to know that the MOST HIGH took thought into creating the platform, the stage, or the vessel that would be used to express the energy of his Son the Anointed One. From the time we are born we are being groomed for the walk we shall have with the Father and know that as we take our first steps in the natural we shall one day take those same first steps with our spiritual Father.

Proverbs 22:6

Train up a child in the way he should go:

and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

This is important to know for we as adults have the opportunity along with responsibility to ensure the transition for our children can possibly be smoother than the transition we endure daily for we can make sure we at least equip them with the tools we did not have the luxury of having; knowing they will have challenges.

Take the time to re-evaluate every word spoken to you, every event in your memory, and all the lil things you have taken great pleasure in doing no matter how small. Know that from birth the Creator of all things had a purpose for you even though you may have not been walking in that purpose til now. Consider your childhood was boot camp for the season you are facing right now preparing you for the very moment you stand in and the very step that is needed for you to take.

Be confident in your training for the Creator of all things did not make any mistakes and has equipped you with what you need to walk this journey with him for the scriptures says

Zephaniah 1:7


Take possession your harmony at the sight of the Ruler of your life the Creator of all things: for the hour of the Ruler of your life is before you: for the Ruler of your life had made ready an offering, the Ruler of your life has commanded or invited his guest.

So be reminded you are the guest, the offering on the table is the Anointed One, and all you have to do is partake of the offering on the table to get what you need to be prepared ; so what are you waiting for.

Words from the Founder

Apostle AC Spears-Phillips