GPD Strategic Plan 2023 | Page 28


Data and Analytics Capacity
Expand data , information management , and analytics capacity and resources for the District . Take a comprehensive approach for identifying and prioritizing what data can / should be collected , developing the most efficient means possible to collect and store that data , implementing methods and mechanisms to analyze and organize data to generate information and insights , and leveraging those insights to make informed decisions .
Continuous Process Improvement
Review , evaluate , prioritize , and implement internal process improvement initiatives to result in efficiency gains , cost savings , enhanced customer experience , and improved operations .
Workforce Planning
Ensure our workforce is appropriately scaled and equipped to deliver on our strategic and tactical goals and meet the evolving needs of the District . Analyze , forecast , plan , implement , and monitor initiatives to address staffing needs and gaps between the workforce of today and the needs of tomorrow .
Board Governance and Leadership
Pursue ongoing board training and development opportunities and use the Illinois Association of Park Districts Board Self Evaluation methodology to identify and address opportunities for continuous improvement .
Agency Accreditation
Pursue accreditation at the national level through the National Recreation and Park Association ’ s Commission for Accreditation of Park and Recreation Agencies ( CAPRA ) and reaccreditation through the state of Illinois Distinguished Agency Accreditation program .