GPD Newsletter June 2023 | Page 7

• Filtering and reducing storm water runoff ▪

Did you know we ’ ve got tabs on all of our trees ?

For the past twelve years , the Glenview Park District has partnered with a Certified Arborist to inventory all of the trees in our Glenview parks . Based on this inventory , an Urban Forest Management Plan ( UFMP ) has been created to guide the District in managing its tree population .
Every tree in our parks is mapped by Global Positioning System ( GPS ), and has a record of the type of tree , height , trunk diameter , canopy spread , plus the condition of the tree . The conditions analysis of the tree is given on a scale from 1 being the best ( the tree is in excellent condition ), to a 5 where the tree is in poor health or poses a hazard , and must be removed .
The Park District has over 15,000 trees comprised of 140 species . The Urban Forest Management Plan is used as to help guide our team in the number and variety of trees that should be planted each year . The goal is to have as much diversity as possible so that when we have a pest infestation or a disease ( such as the Emerald Ash Borer or Dutch Elm Disease ), the tree population doesn ’ t take a devastating hit .
Trees are an essential part of the Park District ’ s natural resources stewardship . They beautify the parks and mark the seasons . Additional benefits of trees include :
• Improving air quality by absorbing pollutants and releasing oxygen
• Increasing canopy cover resulting in cooling shade
• Providing habitats for insects and wildlife

• Filtering and reducing storm water runoff ▪



Help us reduce our trash by taking everything that you bring into the park .
Use reusable items , including :
• Reusable drinking bottles ( water refilling stations in the park )
• Containers for food
• Silverware and napkins
• Reusable bags for your supplies
• Avoid one-time use items