GP Junior (Jul-Aug 19) Junior (July-Aug 19) | Page 29

With all the available knowledge and awareness on Google and social media, do we pick up videos and start imitating them. NO. 6 PROGRESSION WITH BAND 7 TOP VIEW Deepika Chopra Fitness Instructor 9 KEEP HEELS PRESSED TOGETHER, AND RAISE THE TOP KNEE BUILDING AN ATHLETIC FOUNDATION BY TRAINING ATHLETICALLY WILL ALLOW GOLFERS TO DEVELOP ALL OF THE COMPONENTS NECESSARY TO SAFELY ENHANCE THEIR SWING. 10 SIDE VIEW 11 FRONT VIEW 8 FRONT VIEW GOLF SPECIFIC STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING is the need of the hour for any golfer, professional, amateur or club level. This will help each golfer discover the weak links in the kinetic chain and progress to build the balance, dynamic mobility, linked strength and rotary power to hit the ball further, score better and, most importantly, stay healthy for the long golf season ahead. In my 10 years of working with golfers, I have not come across even 1 player, who has had great gluteus strength. Building an athletic foundation by training athletically will allow golfers to develop all of the components necessary to safely enhance their swing. GLUTE BRIDGES : 25 repetitions each (Pic. 1-6) Effi ciency. Putting in the time on the course, perfecting the technical aspects of the swing and getting the ball in the hole is up to you. In a side lying position, keep heels, gluteus and shoulders in a straight line. (Pic. 7-9) Where do we start then?? With all the available knowledge and awareness on Google and social media, do we pick up videos and start imitating them. NO. BANDED SIDE SHUFFLE: 25 steps each side, in a mini squat position. Maintain distance between the knees by not letting the band slack. This acts as a great warm up. (Pic. 10-11) I always start with musculoskeletal assessment and building the basic powerhouse, without which, you cannot progress. Finally, a piece of advice for all the players, ensure your trainer is well qualifi ed to help your body progress. A qualifi ed trainer is your stepping stone to success. Yes, you got it right, it is the GLUTEUS. Weak gluteus is a sure shot way of not progressing in your game, and also leading to compensations and injuries. Explained are some great gluteus activation exercises. CLAM SHELLS : 100 reps each side GolfPlus Junior July-August 2019 29