GOV.PH MAGAZINE Using Popularity of Politicians in The Philippine | Page 7

   Before actually discussing the content of the paper, the definition of the term ‘popularity’ will be first explained. Based on Oxford Dictionary (n.d), the definition of ‘popularity’ is defined as “intended for or suited to the taste, understanding, or means of the general public rather than specialists or intellectuals” (Oxford Dictionary, n.d). Using this definition, it shows that not at all times does a popularity of a politician responds to everyone’s taste. The ‘specialist’ or ‘intellectuals’ are those who are also in the expertise or are involved in the specific discipline or field; in this case, it’s politics. That’s why there are critics of popular figures in politics especially those who are famous for being a celebrity or popular because of their family name.    That is why a politician needs to persuade both sides. According to an article on Facts and Detail by Hays (2015), in the Philippines, it is observed that politicians that have support from an important figure such as the military and the church are key to political survival and success.    This paper would take account the effectiveness of popularity based on specific politicians and the miscarries that popularity brings that turn it into an issue. The two (2) factors; popularity on showbiz and popularity on family name, would be divided in section 2